Thursday 26 December 2013

Hadoop Training - HadoopUniversity.IN

Hadoop Training in Chennai

Training Overview:
Our five-day Hadoop Training for Architect course is a highly interactive and educational tour de force that will provide students with the essential building blocks to build reliable and scalable data processing systems using the Apache Hadoop open-source software. Students will learn through lecture, discussion and hands on exercises. At the end of the course students will:

- Have a solid understanding of the Hadoop ecosystem of products
- Demonstrate proficiency in writing MapReduce code
- Learn how to leverage HBase to store and retrive data
- Understand best practices for developing and debugging Hadoop solutions
- Practice and understand other Apache projects such as Hive, Pig, Oozie, and Sqoop
- Understand more advanced Hadoop and Hadoop API topics that are commonly encountered
- Capable of working on proof of concept projects

Students completing the course will be provided the opportunity to take up the POC Project sponsored by HadoopUniversity.IN

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