Tuesday 7 May 2013

Apache Solr Installation Steps - Solr Training @ BigDataTraining.IN

Apache Solr is a fast open-source Java search server.
Solr enables you to easily create search engines which searches websites, databases and files.


Installing Configuring Solr

A Solr installation comprises 3 parts:
  1. Server-related files, e.g. start.jar (Jetty), or Tomcat
  2. Solr webapp as a .war
  3. Solr Home which comprises configuration files and the data directory

Solr Home

Here's a directory layout of a typical Solr Home directory.
| + conf
|     - schema.xml
|     - solrconfig.xml
|     - stopwords.txt etc
| + data
|     - index
|     - spelllchecker
The 2 most important files in the Solr configuration are:
  •  schema.xml
  • solrconfig.xml
 schema.xml is usually the first file you configure when setting up a new Solr installation.
The schema declares:
  • what kinds of fields there are
  • which field should be used as the unique/primary key
  • which fields are required
  • how to index and search each field
solrconfig.xml is usually the second file you configure when setting up a new Solr installation, after schema.xml.
The more commonly-used elements in solrconfig.xml are:
  • data directory location
  • cache parameters
  • request handlers
  • search components

This training course will be delivered through instructional sessions and hands-on exercises. The course is appropriate for system administrators, Developers, Architects to Kick-start their Career into Big Data Space. 

 BigDataTraining.IN is a leading Global Talent Development Corporation, building skilled manpower pool for global industry requirements. BigData Training.in has today grown to be amongst world's leading talent development companies offering learning solutions to Individuals, Institutions & Corporate Clients.

BigDataTraining.IN is the only software institute which offers in-depth classroom & online training in different Cutting edge Technologies -- Cloud & BigData software courses with projects (multiple domains), presentations, classroom notes, interview preparation and resume support.




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Mail: info@bigdatatraining.in
Call: +91 97899 68765 / 044 – 42645495
Venue: #67,2nd Floor, 1st Main Road, Gandhi Nagar, Adyar, Chennai- 600020


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